Our programs can be tailored to fit the needs of your organization.

  • Custom Offerings

    We can partner with you to create custom offerings that:

    - Align to your organization’s vision, values and strategy.

    - Involve your organization leaders in communications, as guest speakers, as mentors/sponsors.

    - Integrate with the organization’s talent development resources.

  • Topics

    A sampling of our topics includes:

    Getting Grounded: How do your values show up in your daily life? Where are they missing?

    Imagining the Future: What comes to mind when you think about where you want to go and who you want to be?

    Dealing with Headwinds: What obstacles are you currently facing? How is your resistance to them holding you back?

    Being Present on the Journey: How can you engage in the smaller, day-to-day moments? How will this benefit you?

  • Formats

    - Interactive webinars

    - In-person workshops

    - Multi-week virtual programs

    - Modules within your existing programs

  • Add-On Services

    - One-on-One Coaching

    - Assessments (e.g. Hogan, 360 tools)